This year my friend Charles was in an accident on his motorcycle when a distracted driver changed lanes and hit him. He had a severe fracture in one leg and injuries to various parts of his body. To make matters worse, he had reactions to the medications he was given.
He was unable to stand without feeling dizzy so he was forced to stay in bed with nothing to do but think about his uncertain future. It was stressful, and stress wasn’t what he needed. So his friends brought him an Oculus Go to both distract him and to teach him meditation techniques to get him through this difficult time.
He has been in and out of the hospital since the accident but while he is waiting for this nightmare to end, he takes his Oculus Go with him to help cope. Charles was the inspiration for my Capstone project, a game for children in the hospital meant to give children hope, encouragement and positive reinforcement.
For our Capstone project we had to choose at least five fundamentals. Mine were Scale (played from a child's point of view); Animation (I did various scripted movements); Lighting (combine mixed, real, and baked lighting); Locomotion (custom Waypoints); and an Empathy element (create some action or scene that inspires empathy). For Completeness we had to achieve two categories. I did three Gamification, Diegetic UI, and 3D Modeling. Finally, for my Challenge I did User Testing. In addition, I wrote my own color shader for the Diegic UI.