Problem Solving Overview

There's an elephant in the room

When a patient is diagnosed with prediabetes they are advised to change their diet and exercise more but no systematic program is in place to help them understand that they can reverse the progression of the disease. It costs up to $13,240 a year for HMOs to manage Diabetes for patients and costs the patient an estimated additional $9,000 a year out of pocket.

The rate at which people are diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes has doubled in the last 10 years. Type 2 Diabetes is preventable if detected and treated early. Monitoring glucose levels is the key to keeping patients on track to remission. Non-invasive monitoring is likely to keep more people in the program, and using the app which should lead to better outcomes Our target is to Beat Diabetes so you don’t have to treat it

Research & Analysis

Find out if people would be more willing to monitor their prediabetes if a non-invasive monitoring device could be used.
Questions [Behaviors] Why do people avoid monitoring their blood glucose levels at a time when they could prevent themselves from getting diabetes? 

Key Finding 1 The subjects would be more likely to monitor their blood glucose levels if the monitoring device were non-invasive.
Analysis Though there are a range of monitoring devices the most appealing are non-invasive or minimally invasive.

Key Finding 2 The subjects want privacy regarding their condition, but want to be able to monitor wherever they are.
Analysis The app should be a simple dashboard that does not reveal what it is monitoring, but the output will be clear to the person wearing the monitor.

Key Finding 3 All agreed that the major reason they did not want to monitor their blood glucose levels was because it was painful.
Analysis The app should should support adhesive, completely non-invasive monitoring devices as well as longer term minimally invasive devices.

Data Mapping

Based on the key findings, I came up with a systematic approach to get patients to take monitoring seriously and make it as convenient as possible. Ingraining good habits comes from repetition and repetition will happen if the process is pleasant and rewarding.